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Setting Up Auto-Invest

Use the Auto Investment feature to make investing even easier. Input your preferences and let us do the work for you.

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a year ago

The settings you selected for the auto-invest function will determine which investment opportunity you opt-in for. 

Follow the steps below to setup up your first Auto Invest bot:

Step 1. You can access the Auto Investment function by clicking on the settings link on the top right corner.

Step 2. Click on the button to add an auto investment preference. 

Step 3. Select the Financing Type, Business Term Financing, Accounts Receivable Financing, Accounts Payable Financing. Guaranteed Investment Notes

Step 4. You will need to choose your preference of industries, range of return rate, the range of tenure and also the auto invest amount range you would like.

Step 5. Once the settings for the Financing type has been chosen, click on 'Create'.

Step 6. Your Auto Invest bot will then be created, and a notification will inform you of the time and date this Auto Invest bot will come into effect.

Step 7. From your Settings page, you'll be able to see the settings chosen for all your Auto Invest bots created.

Note: Changes made to your auto-investment preferences when any financing term is up for Pre-Funding will only take effect the next funding opportunity. 

Additional Feature:

This is the max percentage of outstanding funds that the Auto Invest Bot will allow in a single Issuer.


You have invested in a single Issuer (ABC Company) for a total of RM6,000. They repay RM1,000. Your outstanding exposure to them is now RM5,000.

If your total outstanding exposure to all Issuers is RM20,000, this means your outstanding Issuer exposure to ABC Company is 25%

RM5,000 / RM20,000 = 25%

Setting the Max Issuer Exposure setting to 25% will ensure the Auto Invest Bot never invests above the 25% outstanding exposure limit for a single Issuer.

Note: Exposure setting will be considered when your total outstanding principal is more than RM1000.

2. Exhaust Balance

If your balance falls below your auto invest range, the Auto Invest Bot will still attempt to invest for you.


You’ve set an Auto Invest Bot to invest between RM1,000 - RM1,200, but your balance is only RM900.

There’s a Note match! With this setting turned on, the Auto Invest Bot will attempt to invest maximum up to RM900.

Do remember to have the latest version of our app to enjoy all the latest features!

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